Tuesday 30 September 2014


This film was entertaining yet not edge of your seat stuff. The Characters were not 100% believable and Kiefer Sutherland just didn't fit. Kit Harrington was too bland and the cast just didn't quite make me believe. I'd give this a 3/5 and although worth a watch, have a look to see what else is on offer...

Sunday 21 September 2014


I watched this film not knowing much about it. I knew Tom Hardy was in it and after his previous films I was expecting a high quality action script. However this was the complete opposite! Tom Hardy plays a character who's life is falling apart around him. The entire film is filmed in his car and despite its seemingly limited possibilities I really enjoyed it. I found myself totally engrossed and really enjoyed the style of the film. A different concept and a good result. 3/5

Saturday 20 September 2014


I must confess.... I was expecting to hate this film. I can't normally stand the characters Johnny Depp plays when he is in serious films. I'm just expecting him to do something crazy. But I really enjoyed this film. The premise is a little out there but with Morgan Freeman in the cast you know it should have a good part or two. I enjoyed it and thought the film didn't try to be too clever. It was a nicely paced film with enough good script to keep you watching. A disappointing ending but overall a solid 3.5/5

Grudge Match

This film was a massive indulgence of Sly Stallone and De Niro! The story was predictable, the acting was a little cheesy in places but I loved every second it! It was Rocky mixed with cheesy comedy and Kevin Hart provided a light side to the film. It was an easy watching film with a nice story and a good cast. Watch out for cameos from a whole host of recognisable actors and enjoy it for what it is! A good film with a good cast and cheesy storyline. 3+/5

Friday 10 May 2013

Pitch Perfect

I really didnt like this film, it was slow, uninteresting and pointless. The singing was not very good, the script lacked depth and I wish I could get back to the time I spent watching this.... Saying that my girlfriend liked it. My one word review is .....Lacking.

Tuesday 16 April 2013

GI Joe

So if you like action films, cheesy with plot holes then this is the one for you! Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it but it made a Tom Cruise film seem serious and I'm not sure I would ever want to watch this again. They are making a second so it must have done ok at the box office but unless you are a massive Channing Tatum fan I wouldn't bother! My rating is 2/5 and one word review.....Cheesey!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

El Gringo

A good action film with a predictable cheesy script. Scott Adkins however was a good leading man. I expect to see him in a lot more big budget films! Some good action scenes and a big name actor in Christian Slater. A good 3/5 for this. One word review.......Solid